Monday, October 7, 2013

Intro. to Sociology

Sociology is the scientific study of people in groups, it studies  how groups are formed and how and individual self-define himself according to the group where he belongs. This scientific study of groups involves methods and theories of study.

Observation (obtrusive and unobtrusive)
Historical Comparison
Cross-Cultural Comparison
Archival Research

Theories of Study
Functionalism and structuralism
Social Conflict Theory
Symbolic Interactionism
Gender Theory (Feminist Theory)

Suspending Judgement is a key attitude in the study of society. Cultural relativism is in contrast to the common approach, which views other cultures and societies from the point of view of one’s own values and beliefs otherwise known as ethnocentrism. 

  • founded by Emile Durkheim: French Sociologist, (1858-1917)
    • Considered one of the “fathers of modern sociology”
  • Social groups and society are viewed like “living organisms” 
  • groups and group processes are studied as parts of a functioning whole
  • aspects and behaviors of society may have obvious (manifest) functions or “hidden” (latent) functions

Social Conflict Theory
  • The main theorist representing this approach is  Karl Marx (1818-1883). He saw society as being built out of the conflicting interests of the “owner class” and the “working class”. In his view, the ensuing struggle between classes would lead to a classless society.
  • Society is created from the ongoing conflict between key groups
  • According to some theorists, these groups are the main economic “classes” of society. These are made up of those who own the main wealth of society, and those who own little but their ability to labor
Symbolic Interactionism
  • These are the proponents: Charles Horton Cooley (1864-1929),  George Herbert Mead (1863-1947) and Erving Goffman
  • “Symbols” are the basis of social life. 
  • Individuals and societies develop through people’s interaction through symbols
  • Individuals develop a sense of themselves as they learn to use symbols
  • Individuals develop a sense of themselves as they learn to see themselves the way they believe others see them

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